
Monday, September 19, 2011

Great Forest Park Balloon Race

So last weekend Stacy and I headed out to Forest Park in St. Louis to check out the Great Forest Park Balloon Race.  Since moving here we have talked about making the drive to see it, but ended up being to busy or hit traffic that was so bad we lost our steam and gave up.  This year we were determined to make it and enlisted some friends to go with us.  This also held us accountable for going since we didn't want to leave them hanging.  Anyway it was awesome to say the least and well worth the drive.  The weather kind of held out for us.  There was quite a bit of wind so each time gusts would come up the balloons on the outer perimeter would lift and people would scramble on the baskets to hold them down.  It was crazy being in the center of it all.  
Of course there was plenty of fair food and was eager to try it.  I mean after all they have to make a living right?  One place marketed "meat on a stick" and it was simple and great.  Grass fed humanly raised (and all that stuff) beef.  A couple of places had huge hot/brat dogs with this sign I had to snap a photo of.  Gotta love a sense of humor.
Sense we arrived early we were able to see the balloon being pulled out and raised in the middle of the field.  I don't know how they do it without burning the actual balloon, but it's a really cool sight.
With the cloud cover night set in early which was nice because that translated into more time seeing the balloons glow.  I thought this was a cool picture because it reminded me of a light bulb and I liked the design.
This is a good picture with most of the balloons "flame on".  Every couple of minutes they would blast a horn and all the balloons would hit their flame throwers (that's a technical term) and it was beautiful.  Like nothing I've seen before, just amazing.  This picture doesn't do justice.

Last but not least this picture really speaks for itself.  It took me forever to get a good photo of this balloon.  The other balloons kept lighting up and the wind was blowing it around and then you couldn't read the full name.  Finally I just felt like it the pilot was going to light it up and just snapped a photo and the timing was great.  
O.k. one last departing photo.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

I'm Not Perfect

( Kind of a random ramble this morning)

I also don't take myself to seriously all the time either.  I like to think that I'm still young at heart and in spirit like everyone else.  That said waking up at 5 in the morning sucks!  I don't know why it has all of a sudden become this major drag on me, but I'm hating it!  I'm hating it so much right now that when my alarm went off this morning I turned it off rolled over and slept for another hour!  It was great!  Stacy didn't appreciate it though since she couldn't get back to sleep after waking up from my alarm, but what am I supposed to do about that?  I know that last part sounds mean but I don't mean for it to come off like that.  My poor wife puts up with more than many will ever know or care to know.  Especially my on again off again schedules and hobbies but those are totally different subjects for totally different times. I'm not perfect. 

So I have my first "official" 5K coming up in just a little under a month that Stacy and I are running together in.  I have no doubt that I can finish it and depending on the course I might even PR.  If it's flat then I will definitely be faster than my course I usually run since what I train on consists of practically all hills, some of which are big.  I've read that training on hills for a flat race my not be the best idea, but it can build strength.  I'm good with strength as a byproduct of training!  What I'm not good with is wasting time driving to a location to run on a flat surface at 5 in the morning.  As it stands I can fill just over an hour with a warm up, run, cool down, breakfast, and the Three S's without driving somewhere.  If I had to drive it would really throw off my mojo!  Again, I'm not perfect.

In keeping with my "I'm not perfect" rant this morning I'm worried about training in the cold.  I don't have a treadmill or anything similar and you already know how I feel about waking up and driving somewhere to train.  I love cold weather and everything about it, but I've never had to run in it for miles.  Sure I've played in the snow and ran around causing mayhem in my day, but I was bundled up.  Also it wasn't a consistent run for any real amount of time or distance. I hate that feeling in the back of your throat when you're breathing hard and it burns.  Mmmm that's a pleasant thought this morning.  Maybe I just need to do it and accustom myself to it.  Easier said than done that's for sure.  Especially when your bed is at that perfect temp ratio of warm/cool and you debate just blowing off the whole day and staying in bed.  Am I the only one that feels like that?  Maybe? Yes? No? Ok I'm the weird one I get it.  I'm not perfect.

So I promised pictures and a post from my last adventure over the Labor Day weekend and I will keep my promise they're coming.  I've been lazy and haven't downloaded them yet and I'm waiting for inspiration.  Well mostly I've been lazy and had a big test this week, but inspiration sounds good.  What else can I say except...I'm not perfect!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Warrior Dash

Mud. Sweat. Beer.  Warrior Dash is here!!
I've seen these types of races before and have always thought it would be awesome to participate in one someday.  Well someday has now become October 15th!  At the behest of....well no one....I signed myself up.  Come hell or high water I'm competing baby!   I can't begin to describe my excitement either.  It really seems like I've these types of races are gaining popularity, which is awesome.  Either that or it's like the phenomena when you buy a new vehicle.  You think that what is now parked in your garage is unique and no one else has the color you chose or the same model configuration and then WHAM!  The next day it seems over night everyone goes out and buys the same vehicle and you're uniqueness drains away.  Well it seems like everyone (my friends) are all doing a type of mud race.  Even down in Florida where a buddy of mine is competing in the Tough Mudder; someday I will too.  I can't complain though because I'm happy that races like this are getting people outside and active.  I can't think of a better way to run 3 miles or however long the Warrior Dash is.  I also like that I don't have to drive to another state to participate.  In the past the races were so far from where I had lived and entry fees aren't cheap (I paid almost $50) that when everything is added up the cost was so expensive it precluded me.  Since a race has come to Missouri I jumped at the chance.  Oh and I almost forgot you get a t-shirt and Warrior helmet and eye sticky things with your entry fee.  So the money does get you more than just a hellish 3 mile dash.

Just a short one today.  I'm traveling today so I'll post an update with pictures sometime this weekend.  Have a great day!