
Thursday, September 01, 2011

Warrior Dash

Mud. Sweat. Beer.  Warrior Dash is here!!
I've seen these types of races before and have always thought it would be awesome to participate in one someday.  Well someday has now become October 15th!  At the behest of....well no one....I signed myself up.  Come hell or high water I'm competing baby!   I can't begin to describe my excitement either.  It really seems like I've these types of races are gaining popularity, which is awesome.  Either that or it's like the phenomena when you buy a new vehicle.  You think that what is now parked in your garage is unique and no one else has the color you chose or the same model configuration and then WHAM!  The next day it seems over night everyone goes out and buys the same vehicle and you're uniqueness drains away.  Well it seems like everyone (my friends) are all doing a type of mud race.  Even down in Florida where a buddy of mine is competing in the Tough Mudder; someday I will too.  I can't complain though because I'm happy that races like this are getting people outside and active.  I can't think of a better way to run 3 miles or however long the Warrior Dash is.  I also like that I don't have to drive to another state to participate.  In the past the races were so far from where I had lived and entry fees aren't cheap (I paid almost $50) that when everything is added up the cost was so expensive it precluded me.  Since a race has come to Missouri I jumped at the chance.  Oh and I almost forgot you get a t-shirt and Warrior helmet and eye sticky things with your entry fee.  So the money does get you more than just a hellish 3 mile dash.

Just a short one today.  I'm traveling today so I'll post an update with pictures sometime this weekend.  Have a great day!

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