
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Homemade Parallettes

So after my first attempt of making a medicine ball I caught the bug to make my own parallettes.  This week has been crazy busy with school so after I finished my test this morning I was itching to release some creativity.  I found a good free reference on the Crossfit Journal that you can find here if you're interested.  Then I went to out the home store and bought my supplies.  I only needed the PVC which came out to $23ish.
Once I had everything all that was left was to measure, cut, and piece together.  You could cut the PVC with a fine tooth hand saw, but I ended up using my saw-zaw.  It buzzed through the pipe like butter and made for quick work.
There are two 24 inch, four 8 inch, and eight 5 inch sections when it's all said and done.
Here is everything after I cut it all up.  You'll notice that I'm missing two 5 inch sections.  Well I'm not sure how it happened, but I didn't cut the last cut.  You can see the left over pipe on the top corner of this picture.  Good thing I didn't mess up because every inch of the 10 foot pipe was used.
After cutting all that was left was gluing and fitting it all together.  Here is one drying on the drive way.
And here are both of the completed parallettes.  I'm very excited to use them.  The Crossfit article even provides a nice list of exercises that they can be used for.  I originally was just thinking full range of motion push ups, dips, and L sits.  Turns out there is a lot more you can do with these.

Anybody else have experience with parallettes or making your own workout equipment?