
Sunday, November 06, 2011

Veterans Day Parade

Yesterday was Day 5 of the 30 day fitness challenge and the active challenge was to walk an extra 10 minutes.  Easy.  Enter the Veterans Day parade in St. Louis at the Soldiers Memorial.  Stacy and I made the trip into the city and I was glad we did.
We had a great spot in the intersection of 14th and Chestnut looking right down Chestnut toward the Arch.  When the parade started there wasn't to many people so we had a nice unobstructed view.
They even had a Bald Eagle in the parade.  I wish I knew the organization that is pictured in this picture.  I bet they have some other cool animals.
The 932nd Airlift Wing - United States Air Force Reserve Airmen were there carrying this huge American flag.
I'm not sure who this guy was or what war he was in, but he was awesome.  He looked old as dirt but he was walking the whole parade talking to folks along the way and could probably still kick my ass.  Don't know him but I'd interested to hear his stories.  I bet he has a lot.
At first I thought this was a Corvette club, but quickly realized it wasn't. 
Each car had a golden star on the front window and in each vehicle the passengers were holding a picture of a fallen military member (I'm assuming family) riding in remembrance.  Enough said.
I couldn't post this without adding my service of choice.  United States Air Force - AIRPOWER!  They looked good out there marching.  Made me proud.

I love old trucks and cars and this parade didn't disappoint.  I was very happy to see the restored Impala since my dad used to have a white one like it.
The Army showed up with their up in the up armored humvees.
At the very end there were motorcycles.  Lots and lots of motorcycles.  So many that my skills as a photographer don't even begin to do justice.  The sounds was deafening the motorcycles stretched for miles and it was just a visceral awesome sight to see.
Two hours after we arrived I had over 200 pictures on my camera and my face hurt from smiling and the parade was over.  It was a great time and I think the city of St. Louis put on a great display.

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