
Friday, November 04, 2011

30 DCF - Day 4

So this isn't so much about Day 4 as it is about a learning experience I had on my run today.  In order to tell that story I have to tell another so hang in there if you continue to read this.
What are you looking at?
Most of my day was spent in the lab studying for an upcoming test on Monday.  We have to learn lots of muscles, bones of the axial skeleton, and of the appendicular skeleton.  Anyway there are many ways to learn many things as we all know, but you can't beat old school repetition and practice.  This not only works for studying, but fitness as well.  On twitter I follow people that I would call professional athletes.  Some of them might argue that title, but that doesn't matter.  What does matter in the point I'm trying to make.  Which is that they didn't get there over night.  It took years of repetition and practice.  We all have to start somewhere in everything we do.  Whether it's learning anatomy and physiology or healthy living tips.  We all have ups and downs in fitness.  It's not easy.  If it was we wouldn't have the obesity problem we're facing.  There are other contributing factors, but that's another day and story.

So I was exercising my brain for most of the day today.  With today being such a B-E-A-Utiful day it was difficult, but I did it.  I'll go ahead and pat myself on my back now.  Well like anyone who's spent anytime in college they know that studying hard requires study food.  You know where this is going.  Last night Stacy and I made some homemade pizza ( and the leftovers were waiting for me in the fridge when I got home from the lab.  Without hesitation I ate a couple pieces and that's all it took.  Next thing I know I'm hunting for Halloween candy like a 6 ft. 3 inch 198 lb armadillo hunting for a nice juicy grub.  Problem was I found the candy and proceeded to feast.  Next thing I know I snap out of my candy craze practically laying in wrappers wondering what happened.  Well I wanted to run today so I thought what better time than now.  Turns out there was a better time, like before I binged on Hershey's and Reese's peanut butter cups.  I was pretty excited to get out, but once I started I was immediately regretting my choice.  My body was stiff, my legs were like lead, and my head wasn't in it.  I felt like I was crawling, barely moving.  I had to pick a house run to it, then pick another and run to it and so on and so forth.  That's how it went for lousy 3 miles.

So how does any of this pertain to repetition and practice.  Well you're not always going to "get it" the first time every time.  There is going to be good days and bad and on the good days you're training your body.  On the bad days I say you're training your mind.  Anyone can run, walk, or whatever on a good day.  Only the dedicated athletes and mentally tough keep going on a bad day because repetition and practice make perfect.

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