
Sunday, November 06, 2011

Gym Work Flop - Take 2

It's Sunday night and after dinner with friends what better way to wrap up our evening than to hit the gym?  Ok well I could think of better things, but time is ticking away on our free passes so that means no rest for weary.  We hopped into the car, cranked the radio, and pumped ourselves up to drop the hammer on the treadmills.  Hopefully with better success than last time we hit the gym.  I mean we're going to a different gym the last time and we're set up with our temporary passes so we should be able to just show up and workout.

It wasn't long before the glow of the gyms lights were in view.  This was it.  Time to do work!  The wall of windows allowed us to see people in the gym and plenty of equipment (functional I might add) open and waiting to be used;  used by me.  I could practically see my name on them.  Hold that thought.  I was still wearing my pullover and didn't want to bring it inside so I ran back to the car to drop it off.  Little did I know that would be only running I would do tonight.  Stacy told me she would meet me inside as she continued to the door.  I took off for car, dropped my pullover, closed the door, locked the car, and turned around to see....Stacy walking back.

She tells me the doors are locked.  Our passes won't open them.  Like a good husband naturally I question the statement.  "What do you mean it's locked?  There's people inside!" and then I continue up to the door like maybe she didn't use the right one or didn't pull hard enough.  Typical male right?  Yea I know what you are thinking "who does this guy think he is"? But it's like a sign that says not to touch a wall with wet paint.  I'm going to touch it.  I had to see for myself that the door was in fact - locked.  It was.  As usual Stacy was right.

So not only did we not get to drop the hammer on the treadmills, but we drove 15 minutes to look like monkeys trying to open a door.  What made it worse was some lady on a treadmill facing the parking lot was watching us finagle with the stupid door!  I could practically see her thinking "oh look at these noobs! They can't take a hint the door is locked and look at this idiot his wife just tried the door.  What does he think he's going to do?" *I try the door* "yeah it's still locked, you should have listened to your wife."

Now I would understand if there were open times posted on the window or something but of course there is none to be found.  So that's it I'm over it.  I'm beginning to think I'm not supposed to work out in a gym.

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