
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rest Day

Time to rest.  
Here is what I found in my free time today.

If you're not familiar with Crossfit or "The Games" they were held this weekend in Los Angeles, CA at the Home Depot Center.  For the first time ESPN3 broadcast them around the world and there was live streaming of the events on the net.  I highly recommend to check it out as the athletes are truly inspiring.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Outta the Teen's and into the "Twenty's"

20+ Whoo Hoo!!!

Today I pushed past the "teen" mile marker and graduated into my twenty's.  Braving the stuffy weather and trying to beat the rain my riding partner and I set out for a long ride.  I have to admit it was much easier than I had originally expected!  Last night I had worked it up in my mind to be this grueling ride that I knew I could do physically, but questioned my ability to do it mentally.  I used to hate looking down the road and seeing more road.
On that topic, I think that's true with any workout though.  Often I'm confidant that what ever I begin I will be able to complete it physically.  Usually what gets me is my mind.  I tend to over think what I'm doing and my mind starts wander.  Instead I should be focusing on the present and the wheels turning under me or putting one foot in front of the other.  
So here I am at the half way point.  I didn't realize my shirt was urban camouflage!
Route Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 1h:29m
Distance - 21.47 miles
Average speed -14.3 mi/hr
Total climb - 126 yards

Lessons Learned:
Don't over think it!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Road I.D.

Is it Christmas!?  A new bike seat and drum roll please...I just received my Road I.D. wrist band!  This week has been pretty awesome. 
OK so maybe I'm a little excited about this thing, but it's such a great idea.  For those that don't know what the Road I.D. is the name says it all.  For the times when you have no identification on you the Road I.D. has you covered.  Depending on the style you prefer I'm sure they have something to cover your needs.  Shoe tags, three styles of bracelets, and the list goes on.  They are customizable with colors and the stainless steel identification is custom engraved with what you want.  The Wrist I.D. slim runs $15.99 and the bracelet part feels exactly like the "Livestrong" bracelets.  I am excited to see how long it last, because in past when I've worn bracelets made out this material they would only last a couple months.  Granted I in the past I only paid a couple bucks for them, unlike what is currently filling up real estate on my wrist.  If you missed the link at the top you can check out the link below and I will have to add an update down the road with my thoughts as I put it to the test.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Bike Seat!!

All right so I'm not officially signed up yet, but I have my eye on a couple of century bike rides in my area. When I was younger I rode 50 miles on my mountain bike and it sucked!  I'm hoping that 100 miles on a road bike will be better.  Either way it should be a great experience and should be fun.  In preparation for my 100 miles in the saddle I've decided to invest in a softer seat than my original shown below.  This thing is more of a racing seat and even with padded biking shorts longer rides can literally be a pain in the "sitbones"!
Enter my new seat.  A Serfas MH-RX Performance seat with I.C.S. (infinite comfort system) and let me tell you it's awesome.  It's a split seat design so that each side can move independent of the other.  This also makes the seat a anatomical channel to reduce pressure in the special areas.
The comfort is what you would expect from something like this.  I would equate it to a cloud cushioning your backside.  Pair it with padded bike shorts and you have one nice ride!  It's waterproof, breathable and made from anti-microbial microfiber.  I would definitely recommend this seat if anyone is looking to upgrade to a long distance seat.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday July 28 2011

Good morning!

Well it's Thursday and that means the week is almost over (finally) and this morning was a bike day.  I have to say that I've been surprised how dark the last couple of morning have been.  Are the days really getting shorter already!?  When I started out riding early in the mornings it seemed like I was hopping on the bike as the sun rose.  Lately it's like I'm riding at nine o'clock in the evening it's so dark.  I have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to become a problem in the near future since my buddy rider is new to riding on roads and the more light we have the better he feels which translates into farther rides for us.  I might have to invest in a bike light and reflective tape or something.

Since it's been so dark in the morning the normal 11.5 mile route wasn't an option. Three quarters of it consists of country roads and no street lights.  Also with it's twists and turns and big hills there is a very limited visibility factor to account for.  No sense in getting killed over a bike ride.  I wanted to complete at least ten miles today so off to google maps I went.  On a side note I've come to love google maps for planning out rides and runs; gotta love technology.  Usually I stay north of the city to avoid horrible morning traffic, but today I ventured farther south into the city.  I had planned the route to run through some neighborhoods and avoid "main drags" and the heavier traffic.  Since my route took me through neighborhoods I had written the key turns on a note card to get through the route.  This seemed to work out all right except where do you put it?
The pocket on the back of my riding shirt is too big and retrieving it was cumbersome.  I finally settled on sliding it under the band on the leg of my bike shorts.  This worked but came with problems too.  Sweating and humidity in the air made the crisp note card soft and more difficult to place on my leg as the ride went on.  So while trying to ride with on hand hold the band up on my leg with two fingers place the card with three fingers and not swerve and wreck was pretty tricky.  It was humorous though when making our way
back home because the largest "main drag" road we had to ride was horribly busy.  It was about ten till six in the morning and the rush was on.  So opting for the sidewalk we took off.  I use the word "sidewalk" loosely because it was more of a broken asphalt trail with grass and weeds running all over it.  Not something a road bike is built for.  My buddy who is riding a hybrid bike is doing great, but with every pot hole and one inch crack I was just waiting for them to swallow my tire and throw me over the handle bars. I was ready to get back on the road and take my chances with the cars!  Speaking of cars they were flying buy so fast that even on the sidewalk I felt like a squirrel in the middle of rush hour traffic; LOUD NOISES!! (Thank you Brick Tamland). 

So in what's becoming a regularity during our morning bike rides, this mornings ride was no different.  Which is ok because I'm quickly realizing that in order for a sustainable workout plan it has to be routine without being "routine".  Go ahead and ponder that today and see what you can change in your own routine.

Route Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 50m:29s
Distance - 10.71 miles
Average speed - 12.7 mi/hr
Total climb - 128 yards

Lessons Learned:
If writing your route down to jog your memory have a plan to store it somewhere more easily accessible than wedging it into the legs of your shorts! 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday July 27 2011

Good morning!

Rough morning this morning.  The 5 a.m. alarm came way to soon.  Being more of a night owl rather than a early bird makes waking up before 8 a.m. equivalent to pulling teeth.  Especially since I didn't have my wife to kick me out of bed and I stayed up to late last night.  This made for a trifecta of reasons to stay in bed and blow off my workout.  

Today was supposed to be a fun run day, but since my riding buddy didn't make his ride yesterday on his own I hopped on the bike and rode with him instead.  We like to change things up so in the spirit of alternating routes he had sent me a map of a nice seven mile jaunt through a couple neighborhoods.  I will admit that it was a very creative - emphasis on creative - route that looked more like some kind of cross between a hidden treasure map, figure eight, and his four year old's line tracing through a maze.  We started out alright in familiar territory, but soon we were lost in suburbia hell.  Winding roads, dead ends, circles, courts, they all blended together.  It wasn't long before east became west and north was south.  You wouldn't believe how much riding it takes to make seven miles in a neighborhood!  Ultimately we made our way back home without adding to much extra riding.

Route Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 36m:46s
Distance - 7.27 miles
Average speed - 11.9 mi/hr
Total climb - 134 yards

Lessons Learned:
Study your route and remember it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday July 26 2011

Today is normally one of the days I take a "buddy bike ride" with a friend, but I had to drop my lovely wife off at the airport this morning.  So I was sans an extra rider.  Not one to be dissuaded from completing my ride, solo or not, I pressed on by myself.  At the time this was a great idea I could ride at my speed and no forced conversations through the huffing and puffing.  Well I quickly learned that riding my 11.5 mile route at 6:30 in the morning is much different than riding it at 5:00 a.m.  Between the traffic, stop lights, and a practically flat tire it was a nightmare.  I even had some idiot in a busted up truck come up behind me when I was riding and his passenger leaned halfway out his window, yelled something inaudible, and tried to smack me with his hand!  WTH!?  I'm now getting a feeling of what it's like to ride a bike around this town.  

Route Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 43m:32s
Distance - 11.22 miles
Average speed - 15.5 mi/hr
Total Climb - 140 yards

Lessons Learned:
Always check tires before leaving
Ride early before the crazies wake up