
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday July 26 2011

Today is normally one of the days I take a "buddy bike ride" with a friend, but I had to drop my lovely wife off at the airport this morning.  So I was sans an extra rider.  Not one to be dissuaded from completing my ride, solo or not, I pressed on by myself.  At the time this was a great idea I could ride at my speed and no forced conversations through the huffing and puffing.  Well I quickly learned that riding my 11.5 mile route at 6:30 in the morning is much different than riding it at 5:00 a.m.  Between the traffic, stop lights, and a practically flat tire it was a nightmare.  I even had some idiot in a busted up truck come up behind me when I was riding and his passenger leaned halfway out his window, yelled something inaudible, and tried to smack me with his hand!  WTH!?  I'm now getting a feeling of what it's like to ride a bike around this town.  

Route Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 43m:32s
Distance - 11.22 miles
Average speed - 15.5 mi/hr
Total Climb - 140 yards

Lessons Learned:
Always check tires before leaving
Ride early before the crazies wake up

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