
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Outta the Teen's and into the "Twenty's"

20+ Whoo Hoo!!!

Today I pushed past the "teen" mile marker and graduated into my twenty's.  Braving the stuffy weather and trying to beat the rain my riding partner and I set out for a long ride.  I have to admit it was much easier than I had originally expected!  Last night I had worked it up in my mind to be this grueling ride that I knew I could do physically, but questioned my ability to do it mentally.  I used to hate looking down the road and seeing more road.
On that topic, I think that's true with any workout though.  Often I'm confidant that what ever I begin I will be able to complete it physically.  Usually what gets me is my mind.  I tend to over think what I'm doing and my mind starts wander.  Instead I should be focusing on the present and the wheels turning under me or putting one foot in front of the other.  
So here I am at the half way point.  I didn't realize my shirt was urban camouflage!
Route Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 1h:29m
Distance - 21.47 miles
Average speed -14.3 mi/hr
Total climb - 126 yards

Lessons Learned:
Don't over think it!!

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