
Sunday, October 30, 2011

10K Gumbo Flats Pumpkin Run

Well I'm sore today so that means I must have ran a couple days ago.  I'm not sure if it's common for most but I get DOMS bad.  Perhaps it's a nutrition thing, I'm not sure and that's another story all together for that matter.  Anyway I promised an entry about the Pumpkin Run so here it is.

Name City
Bib No
Chip Time
Gun Time

My first 1ok was something I would call a huge success.  I really enjoyed myself and the people that participated in the run were phenomenal.  From the coordinator to the volunteers to the runners young and old, big and small.  I've only a limited experience with races - a total of 4 now - and this was the best organized one I been to.  Parking was easy with plenty of folks directing traffic, volunteers, Chesterfield Police Dept, cones and everything.  Very efficient.  Since the race was at the Chesterfield Towne Center the little shops were all opened up for business as well as your standard vendors at a race.  Plus with all the cafes' and businesses open it meant that you didn't have to wait in line at the cold port-a-potties.  The course also took us into the Spirit of St. Louis airport and we ran on a taxi way.  I hated this part.  It. Was. So. Long. Running on a flat straight road is difficult for me.

It's freezing!!
After some warming up I came to the realization that I need to invest in some actual cold weather running clothes.  Thanks goes out to my lovely wife for capturing this gem of a picture.  Moving on.
Does this picture make me look like a giant?
And we're off!  I think at this point I was really second guessing not bringing some gloves.  My hands were frozen meat pops starting out for the first two miles.
Finally coming to the end.  Sunglasses would have been a major help during this race.  Squinting the last three miles sucks.  In fact I think it made me fell more tired.
But in the end I was very happy with my effort.  I'm glad that my first 10k is out of the way with many more to come.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So I'm coming up on three months of owning a Road I.D. and I have to say that thus far I'm impressed.  I can honestly say that I have faithfully worn it 98% of the time I've owned it.  The only times I can recall NOT wearing it is when I had to get really dressed up.  Other than those times it has been around my wrist morning to night.  That being said, due to its light weight and soft feel I hardly register it being on my wrist.

It's also held up better than I  expected.  I've worn other bracelets made from similar material (talking to you Live Strong Bracelet) that broke in a month.  The Road I.D. has proven to be very good purchase.

First ride with the Road I.D. (end of July)
Stroking it hard down the Slalom River (August)
Apple Orchard Adventure (September) 
Missouri Warrior Dash w/ the Crossfit St. Charles crew (October)
Since nothing is ever perfect I do have to comment that the while the stainless steel i.d. part of the band is practically bomb proof.  It does cause the band to rotate on my wrist at times and the information part faces the bottom of my wrist.  This isn't a big deal since scratching the i.d. portion of the bracelet is nearly impossible during normal use, (I have yet to put a scratch in mine) it is frustrating at times.

Okay so there you have it.  From bike rides to mud runs and everything in between this could be the best $16 I've spent in awhile.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday I went to a pumpkin patch with some friends to pick out pumpkins to carve.  It was crazy.  I've never seen so many pumpkins in my life.  Everywhere you look there were pumpkins ranging from tiny ones to some that I couldn't pick up by myself.
The Great Pumpkin Pyramid
There were so many pumpkins in fact the longer I stayed the more and more I second guessed my decision.  I kept walking up and down the rows switching my pumpkins for what I thought were better ones when in fact I was probably going in circles.  The difference was zilch - nothing. 
To. Many. Choices.

A small child could have fit in one of these!
Then there were these mutated beasts.  Big orange pumpkin boulders calling my name.  I was under serious deliberations with myself about whether to pop for one.  In the end for $35 my responsible and rational self won out and I walk away for a couple reasons.  First, what do I do with a $35 mutated pumpkin?  Second, but most important, Stacy would have arrived home today, saw the mutated orange pumpkin boulder on the front step, rolled her eyes, and do what every wife would do - question her decision to settle down with me.  Ok maybe not question her marriage, but at least wonder why I do the things I do.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Kind of Weather

After what felt like a rant yesterday I think I should post some updates on the recent adventures I been on.  First we have a trip to Augusta, MO to a local apple orchard - Centennial Farms - for apple picking.  We joined some friends for the afternoon and made a day of just hanging out and enjoying the weather.
Trying to get "artsy" with my photos
Does this make me look like I have ape arms?
We took a hay ride to the apple trees where they dropped us off and away we went.  Before you went out though you had to grab a bag that ranged in size.  Stacy had plans for apple pies and fritters so we grabbed two BIG bags.  We greatly over estimated the amount of apples we needed.
Yes that says 14 lbs.
After the orchard we were hungry and thirsty so after a failed attempt at one restaurant (it was a little to stuffy for our taste) we settled on something more our speed.  Enter the Augusta Brewing Company.  It was right on the Katy Bike Trail so there was a good mix of people and it had a neat vibe to it.  Of course I don't have any photos so you'll just have to trust me when I say it was a pretty cool setup.

Fast forward to October and there was an extended weekend (celebrating our anniversary) in Las Vegas with friends and again photos are limited.  I sometimes ask myself what use is bringing a camera if I don't use it.  Thank goodness for camera phones, right?
Yes that is a steak knife down the center of the plate
Well the couple pictures I did get were from breakfast at the Hash House A Go Go.  Where they market their food as "twisted farm food".  It was spectacular.  The wait was crazy long.  So long in fact when we put our names on the wait list one of the couples we were with went and grabbed coffee from Starbucks, returned, and we all finished our coffee before we were seated with time to spare.  Yeah it was an epic wait but totally worth it.  I swear the breakfast was probably 1,500 calories by itself and worth every single one.
A couple we were with celebrated their anniversary at Mastro's
My choice for the best restaurant that we ate at is Mastro's Ocean Club.  It's located in the Crystal shopping center and WOW.  It's also where I ate the best sweet potato fries in my life along with arctic char, calamari, and the list goes on.  The live music was nice too although it was a little loud at times, but provided a good mix of classic tune-age.

Fast forward again and that brings us to yesterday and my trip to Cuivre River State Park.  Charlie had been laying around looking depressed so I thought I would seize the opportunity and great weather and take him exploring.  I also wanted to get some pictures of the fall colors.  Turns out I might have been a little late, but I think they turned out alright.

I think Charlie is a little lost
Ok well now you're caught up don't you feel better?  I'm running my first 10k in a week so I will post picks of that when I finish come hell or high water.  I know it's only 6ish miles, but my training has been non-existent so it should be interesting.

Friday, October 21, 2011

I have a problem

I'm the type of person who is always day dreaming of things that I want to do and 90% of those things never materialize into an act of actually doing/completing.  For example I constantly talk about things around my house I would "like" to do.  In fact I have a rotating list in my head like getting organized, building some shelves, cleaning my garage, cleaning my basement, cleaning my vehicle, cleaning my house, taking my bike in for maintenance, prepping my yard for winter,  giving the dog a bath, and the list continues.  I also have a fitness list like complete a 5k (done), 10k (race on the Oct 29th), half marathon, marathon, Olympic distance triathlon, Half Ironman, Ironman, and a Century bike ride.  Am I crazy or do lots of people have  To complicate things - this always happens - I was just accepted into an accelerated nursing program which is awesome and will be taking all my spare time in the coming future.  If there is one thing that doesn't take a back seat it is education.  Fortunately I'm very lucky my wife is extremely understanding with this.  I just tend to want to start new adventures when I don't have the time to dedicate myself to them.  That might say something about myself but who cares.  I'm human and humans are odd creatures - some more than others.  Ok I have no idea where that came from.  Moving on.

Triathlons.  They have been on my mind a lot.  I've also been reading lots about them.  They have a very alluring appeal to me just like anything with a "I'm cool because you wish you could do what I'm doing even though I look as though I'm about to die" sort of culture.  My whole life its been that way.  In the Boy Scouts (yes I obtained the rank Eagle Scout) I once degenerated into a hypothermic state on a winter survival camping trip in Colorado after constructing a snow shelter.  Even though he won't admit it my brother probably saved my life that day by recognizing it and taking action.  I was in a bad way but tell the story with pride and wear the experience like a badge of honor.  Dumb I know.  Oh yeah and then there is the six years in the military where group suffering is the norm; loved it.  Then came Crossfit where I was introduced to a different type of pain; self inflicted.  Laying on the ground after a workout completely drained and have random full body muscle spasms.  Weird but for the record that only happened twice.  So you see triathlons are right up my alley.  Suffering.  Good for mind and body.

I love exploring that dark place that I only find when I'm truly being tested and seeing how long I can stay there.  Really testing myself because I know that physically I'm capable of completing a task, but can I complete that task mentally.  Our minds are not limited by the physical barriers muscles and cardiovascular endurance is.  Many people who are capable to do great things stop short because mentally they give up when it gets tough.  Now I could get all philosophical and rant about how that is the problem with society today.  About how so many people choose the easy route instead of doing what is right for themselves and their health because it's easier to be fat and out of shape than put in at a minimum of what, 30 minutes a day of exercise.  Or how I see people circle the Wal-Mart parking lot for a close parking spot so they don't have to walk twenty extra steps.  But I won't get into that here because that's not why you visit this blog.  Also because I have covered many topics already and this entry is loooooong.  Holy crap, it's lunch time, I'm out!