
Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Kind of Weather

After what felt like a rant yesterday I think I should post some updates on the recent adventures I been on.  First we have a trip to Augusta, MO to a local apple orchard - Centennial Farms - for apple picking.  We joined some friends for the afternoon and made a day of just hanging out and enjoying the weather.
Trying to get "artsy" with my photos
Does this make me look like I have ape arms?
We took a hay ride to the apple trees where they dropped us off and away we went.  Before you went out though you had to grab a bag that ranged in size.  Stacy had plans for apple pies and fritters so we grabbed two BIG bags.  We greatly over estimated the amount of apples we needed.
Yes that says 14 lbs.
After the orchard we were hungry and thirsty so after a failed attempt at one restaurant (it was a little to stuffy for our taste) we settled on something more our speed.  Enter the Augusta Brewing Company.  It was right on the Katy Bike Trail so there was a good mix of people and it had a neat vibe to it.  Of course I don't have any photos so you'll just have to trust me when I say it was a pretty cool setup.

Fast forward to October and there was an extended weekend (celebrating our anniversary) in Las Vegas with friends and again photos are limited.  I sometimes ask myself what use is bringing a camera if I don't use it.  Thank goodness for camera phones, right?
Yes that is a steak knife down the center of the plate
Well the couple pictures I did get were from breakfast at the Hash House A Go Go.  Where they market their food as "twisted farm food".  It was spectacular.  The wait was crazy long.  So long in fact when we put our names on the wait list one of the couples we were with went and grabbed coffee from Starbucks, returned, and we all finished our coffee before we were seated with time to spare.  Yeah it was an epic wait but totally worth it.  I swear the breakfast was probably 1,500 calories by itself and worth every single one.
A couple we were with celebrated their anniversary at Mastro's
My choice for the best restaurant that we ate at is Mastro's Ocean Club.  It's located in the Crystal shopping center and WOW.  It's also where I ate the best sweet potato fries in my life along with arctic char, calamari, and the list goes on.  The live music was nice too although it was a little loud at times, but provided a good mix of classic tune-age.

Fast forward again and that brings us to yesterday and my trip to Cuivre River State Park.  Charlie had been laying around looking depressed so I thought I would seize the opportunity and great weather and take him exploring.  I also wanted to get some pictures of the fall colors.  Turns out I might have been a little late, but I think they turned out alright.

I think Charlie is a little lost
Ok well now you're caught up don't you feel better?  I'm running my first 10k in a week so I will post picks of that when I finish come hell or high water.  I know it's only 6ish miles, but my training has been non-existent so it should be interesting.

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