
Sunday, October 30, 2011

10K Gumbo Flats Pumpkin Run

Well I'm sore today so that means I must have ran a couple days ago.  I'm not sure if it's common for most but I get DOMS bad.  Perhaps it's a nutrition thing, I'm not sure and that's another story all together for that matter.  Anyway I promised an entry about the Pumpkin Run so here it is.

Name City
Bib No
Chip Time
Gun Time

My first 1ok was something I would call a huge success.  I really enjoyed myself and the people that participated in the run were phenomenal.  From the coordinator to the volunteers to the runners young and old, big and small.  I've only a limited experience with races - a total of 4 now - and this was the best organized one I been to.  Parking was easy with plenty of folks directing traffic, volunteers, Chesterfield Police Dept, cones and everything.  Very efficient.  Since the race was at the Chesterfield Towne Center the little shops were all opened up for business as well as your standard vendors at a race.  Plus with all the cafes' and businesses open it meant that you didn't have to wait in line at the cold port-a-potties.  The course also took us into the Spirit of St. Louis airport and we ran on a taxi way.  I hated this part.  It. Was. So. Long. Running on a flat straight road is difficult for me.

It's freezing!!
After some warming up I came to the realization that I need to invest in some actual cold weather running clothes.  Thanks goes out to my lovely wife for capturing this gem of a picture.  Moving on.
Does this picture make me look like a giant?
And we're off!  I think at this point I was really second guessing not bringing some gloves.  My hands were frozen meat pops starting out for the first two miles.
Finally coming to the end.  Sunglasses would have been a major help during this race.  Squinting the last three miles sucks.  In fact I think it made me fell more tired.
But in the end I was very happy with my effort.  I'm glad that my first 10k is out of the way with many more to come.

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