
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday I went to a pumpkin patch with some friends to pick out pumpkins to carve.  It was crazy.  I've never seen so many pumpkins in my life.  Everywhere you look there were pumpkins ranging from tiny ones to some that I couldn't pick up by myself.
The Great Pumpkin Pyramid
There were so many pumpkins in fact the longer I stayed the more and more I second guessed my decision.  I kept walking up and down the rows switching my pumpkins for what I thought were better ones when in fact I was probably going in circles.  The difference was zilch - nothing. 
To. Many. Choices.

A small child could have fit in one of these!
Then there were these mutated beasts.  Big orange pumpkin boulders calling my name.  I was under serious deliberations with myself about whether to pop for one.  In the end for $35 my responsible and rational self won out and I walk away for a couple reasons.  First, what do I do with a $35 mutated pumpkin?  Second, but most important, Stacy would have arrived home today, saw the mutated orange pumpkin boulder on the front step, rolled her eyes, and do what every wife would do - question her decision to settle down with me.  Ok maybe not question her marriage, but at least wonder why I do the things I do.

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