
Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Double the Fun

Good morning!

This morning was a beautiful stuffy morning and I was instantly sweating!  I was very excited to get on the bike and get moving so there was some sort of breeze even if it was a warm wet one.  Today was an odd day because I actually went for two bike rides!  One with my riding partner and another afterwards with my wife.

My first ride with my buddy was supposed to be about nine miles.  I use "supposed to be" because it didn't work out that way.  We started off great and our route was set up as a three mile loop.  What we failed to realize - I blame how early it was - is that in order for the loop to be three miles we had to ride back through our neighborhood!  We just kept going in circle not realizing how much we were shorting ourselves like a couple of idiots!  I know what you're thinking; kind of a Homer Simpson moment!  Again I stress it was early and we were not completely mentally awake.  When it was all said and done we had shorted ourselves out of a little more than a mile.  Ugh.  Frustrating.

My second ride with my wife was interesting.  Initially she wanted to ride twenty miles but that changed to ten before too long. Thank goodness too because I was dragging today.  Anyway riding down main street in rush hour is tough and stressful, but even more so when compounded with a lack of experience in that type of riding.  Holding a straight line with the thin tires and working the gears in heavy traffic was tough for my wife.  Like a champ though she pulled through and made me proud keeping right on my back tire the whole time.  It wasn't long and we were at our half way turn around point and made the return trip home safe and sound.  I'm so proud of her for getting out with me and braving the traffic!  It's great when fitness is a team effort.

Route (1) Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 37m:56s
Distance - 7.87 miles
Average speed -12.4 mi/hr
Total climb - 132 yards

Route (2) Stats
Activity - Biking
Time - 42m:03s
Distance - 9.54 miles
Average speed - 13.6 mi/hr
Total climb - 81 yards

Lessons Learned:
Ride your FULL route so you don't short yourself
Be overzealous in your goals you can alter it on the fly if needed

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