
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Happy Hump Day

Today was little different than others in that I was late getting out of bed, I had to write a paper for a Biological Psychology class, and wrap-up some other work that needed to get done.  That meant that my workout was pushed off till later.
Anyway after getting finishing my work that had to be done today it was off to get my workout in.  I'm not a big fan of doing my workouts in the afternoon unless it consists of wetting a line in a local pond.  None the less I went out to the garage and set up some tunes and prepared for the pain that was ahead of me.  I didn't want to run or bike in the heat so I found a workout online from Crossfit St. Charles.  They had posted a free home and travel workout that I found and decided to try out.  The workout was called the Prison Workout.  It consisted of nothing but 20-19-18...3-2-1 burpees.  Between each set you're supposed to walk across the room (I did it in my garage) and then complete the next set working down from twenty.  When it's all said and done you end up completing 210 burpees!!!  It's burpee hell and if you don't know what a burpee is google it or youtube it.  If you're tall like me with long legs it's even more difficult.  I was very close to quitting somewhere between 100-120.  I just told myself to make it to 155 (set 10) then I could stop.  Once I hit 155 I told myself that it was down hill from here and I was out of the double digit set and into the home stretch.  Well this mantra/tricking myself worked and I made it through the entire workout in 34m:18s.  When it was over I was wrecked to say the least, but it was a great cardio workout.  Covered in dust, dirt, and sweat my legs, arms, core, knees, and everything else was screaming, but I finished.  It felt great to push myself to the edge and a few steps beyond what I thought I could do.  
  (ran myself into the pavement)

Route Stats:
Activity - Prison Workout (burpees)
Time - 34m:18s
Distance - N/A
Average speed - 6.14 burpees/m
Total climb - N/A

Lessons Learned: 
Don't be afraid to push yourself.  I will conquer any obstacle.

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