
Monday, August 01, 2011

Monday August 1 2011

It's Monday and that means I was running this morning.  Since this is my first entry on running I should mention my relationship it.  When the alarm goes off on run days I hate it.  While putting my shoes on I'm dreading even stepping outside.  The first blast of heat and humidity is almost enough to send me back to bed, but I'm out the door and committed.  Once I start to run life gets a little better as I settle in a groove.  The little pains that rise when i start out subside and disappear by the time I'm out of my neighborhood.  I should note that my neighborhood is full of hills and no matter which way I go I'm always running up and down them.  I'm even running up a hill on the last stretch of my run when I'm flaming out.  Anyway, fast forward ten minutes and I'm soon out of my groove and into sucking wind climbing the first of three long drags up a hill.  Fast forward another ten minutes and I'm in the home stretch and final hill.  My run is now resembling some sort of modified shuffle, sweat is pouring off my face, arms, legs, and overall body in general, my shoulders are sagging, my core is loose, and my arms flailing I began to fall apart.  Luckily I hit the top of the hill and dragged myself home.

Now you might be thinking "Wow twenty minutes how far did he go?"  You may (or may not) be surprised that I didn't go that far, but I think that's OK.  I'm not the fastest runner but I'm steady and like to challenge myself which is why I drag myself out the door day after day.  I enjoy finding my limits and attempting to push past them.  Challenging myself physically is rewarding in its own right, but I also think there is a mental growth that comes too.

Route Stats:
Activity - Running
Time - 26m:23s
Distance - 2.95 miles
Average speed - 6.7 mi/hr
Total climb - 163 yards

Lessons Learned:
Pace yourself to save some gas for the return home.  Mile 1: 8.34 / Mile 2: 9:09.

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