
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hotel Workout

Hope everyone had an awesome Friday.  I spent mine driving so I missed an entry and my workout yesterday, ugh!  Sorry!  It seems like since starting this blog travel has spiked and I hate missing entries.  Thanks for the patience and enjoy todays entry!

Ahh hotel workouts, always interesting.  I like to think of them as Christmas presents.  You knever quite know what you're going to get.  Will "that guy" be in there running and lifting weights like he is at Golds Gym.  Will there be spandex and stretching by some unknown stranger in the middle of room.  What type of equipment will be present?  Will the hotel be blasting the A/C so it mimicks working out in a meat locker?  If we're comparing then will the heat be blasting as well?  I truely didn't know what to expect this morning at five when I awoke from my very, very short night of sleep thanks to some unruley children in the room next to mine.  I saw 12:30 AM and am pretty sure it was close to 1 AM before I slipped off into my short slumber.  I had debated whether or not to knock on the door on my way to the "gym" and then run down the hall to repay them, but my goodside won and disuaded me from completing said annoyance on the basis that karma is a "you know what" and my day is young.  There was no sense in starting out on the wrong foot this early.

I was pleasantly surprised and happy to find that the gym was pretty awesome!  I was the only one down there for a most of my hour workout.  The hotel had three treadmills, 3 elipticals, a bike, lot of free weights (dumbbells), a weight machine, medicine balls that double as a sort of kettleball, and yoga mats.  There were huge - I mean enormous - framed mirrors a one wall lined with mirrors.  The view was great, wink wink.  Ok that was weak attempt at a joke and I know it wasn't funny but that's all you get this morning.

Now I'd be lying if tell you that I half expected this gym to be nice since it's at the Embassy Suites Omaha - La Vista/Hotel & Conference Center.  It's a huge hotel, but you knever know.  Maybe they spent all their money on the hotel and didn't budget for a gym, who knows!

Ok finally my workout.  I ran on the treadmill this morning and set out for six miles.  A little optimisitc I know, but it helps me.  I had the iPod pumping tunes, settled into my pace around an 8:30 mile and took off.  I wanted to see how well I could perform at a steady pace and made my first mile or so at a speed of 7.  I'm assuming the speed is in miles per hour (unless there is some treadmill running secret I don't know about) so from here on I will use "mph".  It felt great and I was cruzing along so I bumped it up to 7.5 mph and then finished my run around 8 mph.  Overall, I'm very impressed with my progress.  I ran a 5k equivelant somewhere in the 25-26 minute range with gas to spare and that makes me feel good.  Usually in the past I've been dog tired, but not today!  Unfortunatly I couldn't track my run on my phone so the stats will be off a little, but my philosphy is something is better than nothing.

That's all for now.  Hope everyone has a great Saturday! 

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