
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday August 17 2011

This morning I set out on a thirty mile ride a little later than normal and I paid for it.  Starting out the traffic was horrible as people were heading to work and I also fought the late morning wind.  Looking back I suppose I shouldn't complain to much about the wind because there was a chance for rain also and I made it home dry.  I was a little worried about going out by myself, but it seems if I want to get any distance rides under my belt I'm going to do it alone.  There are some groups in m area that ride, but I'm not sure if I'm up for riding with those guys.  The last thing I want to be a drag on a group and get left in their dust.  

Anyway the first ten miles went great.  Before I knew it I had reached my twenty mile loop turn around point in thirty minutes.  I was fifteen minutes faster than my previous ride to the same point.  I had never ridden past this point in the road and assumed that the shoulder would continue along the highway.  I was wrong.  I went from having a nice five foot shoulder to three feet and then maybe two feet of shoulder.  I swear the strip I was riding on wasn't much wider than the handlebars on my bike.  Fortunately it was nice new asphalt and the ride was smooth for a quarter of a mile and then it was like riding on the moon.  To say the least the four miles before and after my fifteen mile turn around point were a little stressful.  Riding back home I was headlong into wind and it drained me.  I was on the busier side of the road, riding into the wind, gassed, and wishing I had worn glasses.  The dust and dirt that you catch is amazing.  I now understand why you always see rider wearing glasses.  They are a must when riding on open roads.  My eyes were tearing up and streaming water to my ears.  At mile twenty four the numbness set in.  I was feeling it in the back of my thighs and pinkies.  Obviously I need more time in the saddle to condition myself to the rides.

Route Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 1h:46m
Distance - 30.14 miles
Average speed -17.0  mi/hr
Total climb - 160 yards

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