
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Spok Light Set

New gear!  So with darkness beginning to set in earlier and sticking around longer, I picked up a Spok LED light set for my bike from the REI in Boise, ID.  
I had a couple hours to kill before my flight and rather than sitting in the airport I decided to look for things I can't get at home.  Anyway I've attached the lights to my bike and I'm satisfied with the mounting.
It's definitely not the best mounting system - I use the word "system" loosely - but it will suffice.  The lights mount to your bike via a long tooth velcro strap.  This allows for great flexibility for differing handle bar thickness but might be viewed as lackluster to some.  For $20 bucks though I'm not going to complain to much...yet.  OK maybe just one quick "observation" on the rear mount.  The light mounts to the bar that your seat is on which forces it to be sideways.  Time will tell if this will work or if I will have to rig my own mounting to move the light somewhere else.
I won't regurgitate the specs, you can find them here.  I will say however that the lights are very bright and will work well for drawing motorist attention.  If you're looking for an actual light to brighten your path when riding then these aren't for you.  I'm taking them out tomorrow morning for their first ride and will have a review on them afterwards.

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