
Thursday, August 04, 2011

I Think I Over Did It

Ugh!  I'm hurting today.  I am still feeling the effects of yesterdays workout and it sucks!  When the alarm went off this morning at five I was totally lost.  Have you ever had that happen?  Then you lay there wondering "is it the fire alarm, am I dreaming, is my phone ringing, what sick person would set an alarm for five in the morning?" only to figure out you're the idiot and it's time to go pedal a bike in the dark!!  I'll tell you though, the longer I stick to this routine the more I learn about what it takes to fit and the more I question why so many fit people are such happy people.  Today I was not happy.

Today was a test - pure and simple - from my body and mind to see if I truly am going to continue this life style change.  I told myself it wouldn't be change if was easy and if it was easy everyone would be doing it.  Fortunately, that was enough for my stubborn side to win and carrying what felt like twenty pound weights on my arms and legs I pulled myself out of bed and onto my bike for a quick ride.  I had to warm up a little to get the muscles awake and primed for movement so that I wasn't trying to pedal with 2x4's for legs.  Down the road I found that somehow the hills that I ride grew in the last couple days and with my body in protest I was huffing and puffing more than normal.  Three loops later it was over and it couldn't have ended too soon. 

I'm going to call my ride today completed, but not enjoyed.  Which is OK because I realize that there will be days I'm not going to enjoy every mile and it's going to be tough to grind through the workouts.  So I think tomorrow will be a day off for "extended recovery" from Wednesday's workout because I'm really dragging today and I think my body is telling me something.

Route Stats:
Activity - Biking
Time - 42m:30s
Distance -8.92 miles
Average speed - 12.6 mi/hr
Total climb - 134 yards

Lessons Learned: 
Don't think...just get it done.

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